Congratulations to Dr. Kyu Hyung Lee for receiving a 3-year NSF grant for the proposal titled: "OAC Core: Small: Collaborative Research: Data Provenance Infrastructure towards Robust and Reliable Data Sharing and Analytics, 3-years, PI Kyu Hyung Lee." This is a collaborative project with the University of Virginia. UGA is the leading institution for the project. This research proposes to develop an infrastructure that provides robust, fine-grain, and end-to-end provenance for collaborative data sharing and analytics. In this project, we will develop 1) Machine-to-Machine (M2M) conversation relationship model inference algorithm to effectively derive trustworthy provenance and 2) an end-to-end provenance framework to support proper derivation and propagation of fine-grain data provenance records. The outcome of this research will directly serve as the foundation of trustworthy data sharing and analytic infrastructures by providing robust and attack- and fault-resilient provenance of the shared data.